Category: Premiere Pro
How to Render in Premiere Pro
Rendering is an essential step in the video editing process that allows users to preview their work and export the final project. Premiere Pro rendering can help improve playback performance and is also necessary for exporting and finalizing your video. I created this easy guide to show you the process of rendering in Premiere Pro […]
How to Unnest in Premiere Pro
Unnesting in Premiere Pro is a simple process that can save you time and improve the organization of your video projects. By unnesting a clip, you can separate it from the other clips it was previously nested within, giving you more control over the individual elements of your project. Understanding how to unnest in Premiere […]
How to Stabilize Video in Premiere Pro
Even the most professionally shot footage often has shaky scenes. In Premiere Pro, Stabilization is used for fixing shaky videos. It’s easy to stabilize in Premiere Pro using Warp Stabilizer Effect. Follow these steps to apply the stabilization effect. Steps to Stabilize Video in Premiere Pro Begin by importing your recorded footage into the timeline […]
How to Fix Lagging in Premiere
There are many reasons for lagging Premier Pro. One of them is low system configuration. Well for this problem the only solution is to simply upgrade your computer. Common Causes of Lagging in Premiere Pro Other causes include insufficient hardware – If your computer’s specs do not meet the minimum system requirements for Premiere Pro, […]
How to Split a Clip in Premiere Pro
Splitting a clip in Adobe Premiere Pro is not a daunting task, even for a newbie, and can be accomplished in a matter of seconds. Asides from trimming down your footage, splitting a clip has other benefits like creating separate clips for individual use. In this guide, I’ll show you the methods and steps I […]
How to Undo in Premiere Pro
Undoing an action in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a lifesaver, especially when you’re working on a large, complex video project. In case you’ve made a mistake or just want to go back to a previous version of your project, knowing how the undo feature works in Premiere Pro can come in very handy. I’ll […]
How to Fade Out Music in Premiere Pro
When I first started using Premiere Pro, I had to work on a client project with background music, and the client wanted me to fade out the music towards the end of the video. Good thing my client was a non-paying family member aka my sister. Although easy, I had a hard time figuring out […]
How to Duplicate a Clip in Premiere Pro
Duplicating a clip in Adobe Premiere Pro is very useful for saving time when working on a video project. This feature comes in pretty handy, especially when using the same clip multiple times, or simply creating a backup copy. In this guide, I’ll show you the steps for duplicating a clip in Premiere Pro. First, […]
How to Change Font in Premiere Pro
If you’re working on a video project in Adobe Premiere Pro and want to change the font style of your text, it’s easy to do even for absolute newbies. Changing the font in Premiere Pro can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your project. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of changing […]
How to Change Aspect Ratio in Premiere Pro
The main determinant of aspect ratio is the size of the camera’s sensor obtained from the width and height of a picture. Your camera sensor would have a 3:2 aspect ratio if it were 36mm wide and 24mm high. Most photographers didn’t pay much attention to aspect ratios before now. This is because they were […]